Sunday, December 11, 2011

3D printer part III - the z-axis

we choose to go with a black pipe frame for the z-axis.  we cut down the existing head carriage to fit the new design then mounted everything in place.  we almost have a fully functional 3D printer.  just need lead screw and motor for z-axis, then testing.

all sport rebuilt

we found this great old beat up all sport trike at a farm auction.  took it as seen for $5 dollars. also picked up a couple of 3.5hp briggs&stratton motors that we pieced together.  with an hour of design prep to inform our purchases we went to the hardware store and grabbed the parts we needed to build a drive train.  after some cutting, tweaking, and testing, we had this vehicle running at about 25mph by the end of the day.  it was a fun low cost engine hack.
all sport - farm auction $5 
custom built drive train - clutch, sprocket, shaft, chain, bearings, etc
briggs & stratton - $5
drive train up close

new lab at fredhack - new rack, soldering station, 3D printer

after spending a pretty good portion of the night getting the structural aspect of our z-azis on the 3D printer in completed and built, we spend the rest the night and the next morning putting together this new lab.

rack of stuff
 soldering station
 3D printer

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

diplomatic status - hacdc

decided to take a trip to hacdc and check it out.
this is the front door to hacdc.  its in the upstairs area of a nice older church building
very cool banner above their door
look at all this cool stuff.  it was everywhere. especially liked the old electronics.
 they use this area for teaching classes and what not.  fredhack is working to get some table and chairs going within our compound so we can do classes and community stuff.  soon, soon.
 a smaller but effective looking mill.  there was a makerbot nearby as well.  the perfect tool combo.

 is the picture blurry, or do they just have so much stuff 

random hardware - ti launchpad

we have a few of these ti launchpads laying around.  not a fan of this board, but hey, a board is a board.

UAV electronics have arrived

pictured are an assortment including AVR programmer, motor controller, and most important the IMU

gps prototyping with arduino

this unit has performed at around 2 meter accuracy on a good day.
the gps reciever is a LS20031 and the chip is a LOCOSYS MC-1513.
we will be interfacing it with an android via usb or bluetooth eventually.
we've used tinygps as our software along with arduino.

fredhack goes to the river

did some underwater metal detecting

and some gold panning

Friday, December 2, 2011

under the microscope

we recorded the below footage using a video camera adapted to a microscope and output to a laptop.  we didn't hack this per se, one of our memebers owns the tool, but we did have to set up the tools, gather the pond water, and chase this guy around.  might seem boring now, but we were very excited during.

there was some debate about this life form. some thought it was a recently publicized nuisance.  still unresolved. see pictures below.

gps survey imported to google earth

this is the result of a GPS survey conducted by fredhack.  we gathered the GPS survey points and lines with a trimble device then imported to google earth. its nothing special, but shows the possibilities.  we had a great time making this one driving around on a supped up golf cart.

e-pick v0.1

this electric pick, or e-pick, was invented by Russel H.  it is used to chisel out fossils embedded in rock.  the design is simple and effective.  it also doubles as an amateur tat-gun.  newer versions to be posted soon.

bridgeport mill

fredhack's newest acquisition thanks to GC

loading it

unloaded, but not yet placed
have to remove the head and get it into garage

spring hammer - future project

a homemade spring hammer shown to us by a blacksmith we recently met