Sunday, October 30, 2011

battle bot - jennifer yah by Garrett

wiimote hack - touch control projection screen (smartboard)

fredhack at NY Maker Faire

fredhack attended the NY maker faire and assisted alpha one labs of brooklyn with their soldering table. soldering up badges and kits. below are some of the things we saw.

fredhack was swamped along with alpha one labs at their soldering table in the makershed
kid sorta blown away by makerfaire
another shot of the solder table where Russ and Aaron assist with badges and kits
life sized mousetrap
rockets on the grounds
singing fish on car
fire breathing dragon robot
arc attack
(thanks for the "fairy dust")

larger mill at fredhack - robot in progress

3D printer part I - in progress at fredhack

fredhack - mini-mill and lathe - Unimat

the Unimat is a beautiful machine

modular underwater electronics canister - (camera, lighting, etc)... clear facing sized later

top - specialty metals for robot(price: free), bottom - everything looks like a weapon when building a battlebot.

fredhack learning AI -

making piezo crystals

random hardware - booster

bamboo atlatl

treadmill desk